Monday, October 29, 2007
Thing 13: Flickr: 23 things participants
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
del.icio.us tag cloud
Karen at Peel emailed me to ask how, so... here's what you do. Under your account settings, find tag rolls. Or go straight to this tag rolls page. Fiddle with the settings, then copy the embed code from the bottom into a post, using the "Edit HTML" tab.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
del.icio.us as a search engine
My friend Peta jokingly suggested that she'd try del.icio.us as her search engine of choice after I posted the Information R/evolution clip on librariesinteract.info . She gave it a burl this weekend and has blogged extensively about it over at Innovate, Yummy searching ?
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Essential viewing anyone working with students
This clip was made for the Kansas Digital Ethnography programme. 200 students collaborated on a document and designed their own survey about what they do with their time and how it relates to their uni studies. They made this 5 min video clip showing their findings.
A Vision of Students Today
Monday, October 8, 2007
Doing the happy dance on slideshare.net

A slidecast is an audio track with slides synchronised to change at cued places during the talk.
Last night I was practicing my talk for Thursday, to make sure I could say what I needed in 20 minutes, and I had Audacity open as I did it. I edited out a few umms and errrs, published it as an mp3 on the librariansmatter.com server and linked it to the slides. A bit of cueing later and I had a slidecast ready to give the link out to participants on Thursday.
Except someone at slideshare.net obviously liked the cut of its jib and published it on the front page. Erk! That's my 15 minutes of fame done for this lifetime.
Here is the slidecast. Press the little green arrow to play.
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Voki, Year Ones and blogging in education
I fiddled with Voki, which is an online tool to create a cartoon character that appears to speak an audio track that you record. I discovered it at the 1M Little Gems Blog which I discovered in turn via Tama Leaver’s excellent post about blogging in education: Reflections on the Australian Blogging Conference and Blogging in Education . If myVoki doesn’t show in your aggregator, you can go here .
I love the Year One’s blog. As a parent, I would really appreciate a web page for the class that lists what is happening each day, what the kids need and significant dates - as they have icluded on the sidebar of the blog. I can see that they have used online graphing software to embed the kids’ graphs in the blog. The Voices of the World project in which they are participating is very cool too - kids around the world are using the same software (in September it was Voki) to record the same information. I love the voices of the Scottish kids featured on the blog.
Tama’s post outlines the pros and cons of blogging in education and is really worth a read.